OpenAI o1-preview is SOTA on the aider leaderboard


OpenAI o1-preview scored 79.7% on aider’s code editing benchmark, a state of the art result. It achieved this result with the “whole” edit format, where the LLM returns a full copy of the source code file with changes.

It is much more practical to use aider’s “diff” edit format. which allows the LLM to return search/replace blocks to efficiently edit the source code. This saves significant time and token costs.

Using the diff edit format the o1-preview model had a strong benchmark score of 75.2%. This likely places o1-preview between Sonnet and GPT-4o for practical use, but at significantly higher cost.


OpenAI o1-mini is priced similarly to GPT-4o and Claude 3.5 Sonnet, but scored below those models. It also works best with the whole edit format.

Future work

The o1-preview model had trouble conforming to aider’s diff edit format. The o1-mini model had trouble conforming to both the whole and diff edit formats. Aider is extremely permissive and tries hard to accept anything close to the correct formats.

It is surprising that such strong models had trouble with the syntactic requirements of simple text output formats. It seems likely that aider could optimize its prompts and edit formats to better harness the o1 models.

Using aider with o1

OpenAI’s new o1 models are supported in the development version of aider:

# To upgrade to the development version:
aider --install-main-branch

# Or, to upgrade/install:
python -m pip install --upgrade git+

# To launch aider with an o1 model:
aider --model o1-mini
aider --model o1-preview

These are preliminiary benchmark results, which will be updated as additional benchmark runs complete and rate limits open up.

Model Percent completed correctly Percent using correct edit format Command Edit format
o1-preview (whole) 79.7% 100.0% aider --model o1-preview whole
claude-3.5-sonnet (diff) 77.4% 99.2% aider --sonnet diff
o1-preview (diff) 75.2% 84.2% aider --model o1-preview diff
claude-3.5-sonnet (whole) 75.2% 100.0% aider --model openrouter/anthropic/claude-3.5-sonnet --edit-format whole whole
gpt-4o-2024-08-06 (diff) 71.4% 98.5% aider --model openai/gpt-4o-2024-08-06 diff
o1-mini (whole) 70.7% 90.0% aider --model o1-mini whole
o1-mini (diff) 62.4% 85.7% aider --model o1-mini --edit-format diff diff
gpt-4o-mini (whole) 55.6% 100.0% aider --model gpt-4o-mini whole