Editing config & text files

Aider isn’t just for code! Here are practical examples of modifying common config/text files:

Shell Configuration

$ aider .bashrc

Added .bashrc to the chat.
> Add an alias 'll' that runs 'ls -alh' and update PATH to include ~/.local/bin

+ alias ll='ls -alh'
+ export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH"

SSH Configurations

$ aider ~/.ssh/config

Added config to the chat.
> Create a Host entry 'my-server' using bastion.example.com as JumpHost

+ Host my-server
+     HostName
+     User deploy
+     Port 2222
+     IdentityFile ~/.ssh/deploy_key
+     ProxyJump bastion.example.com

Docker Setup

$ aider Dockerfile docker-compose.yml

Added Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml to the chat.
> Set non-root user and enable healthchecks

+ USER appuser
+ HEALTHCHECK --interval=30s --timeout=3s \
+   CMD curl -f http://localhost:8000/health || exit 1

> Expose port 5432 and add volume for postgres data

      image: postgres:15
+     ports:
+       - "5432:5432"
+     volumes:
+       - pgdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data

Git Configuration

$ aider .gitconfig

Added .gitconfig to the chat.
> Set default push behavior to current branch and enable color UI

+ [push]
+     default = current
+ [color]
+     ui = auto

System Configuration

$ aider /etc/hosts  # May need sudo

Added hosts to the chat.
> Block tracking domains by pointing them to

+   ads.example.com
+   track.analytics.co

Editor Configs

$ aider .vimrc

Added .vimrc to the chat.
> Enable line numbers and set 4-space tabs for Python

+ set number
+ autocmd FileType python set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab

Application Configuration

$ aider settings.json

Added settings.json to the chat.
settings.json (VSCode)
> Enable auto-format on save and set default formatter

+ "editor.formatOnSave": true,
+ "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"

Environment Files

$ aider .env

Added .env to the chat.
> Configure database connection with SSL

+ DB_HOST=db.example.com
+ DB_PORT=5432
+ DB_SSL=true

Markdown Documentation

$ aider README.md

Added README.md to the chat.
> Add installation section with brew and pip options

+ ## Installation
+ ```bash
+ # Homebrew
+ brew install cool-app-10k
+ # PyPI
+ pipx install cool-app-10k
+ ```

XML Configuration

$ aider pom.xml

Added pom.xml to the chat.
> Add JUnit 5 dependency with test scope

+ <dependency>
+     <groupId>org.junit.jupiter</groupId>
+     <artifactId>junit-jupiter-api</artifactId>
+     <version>5.9.2</version>
+     <scope>test</scope>
+ </dependency>