Vertex AI

Aider can connect to models provided by Google Vertex AI. You will need to install the gcloud CLI and login with a GCP account or service account with permission to use the Vertex AI API.

With your chosen login method, the gcloud CLI should automatically set the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable which points to the credentials file.

To configure Aider to use the Vertex AI API, you need to set VERTEXAI_PROJECT (the GCP project ID) and VERTEXAI_LOCATION (the GCP region) environment variables for Aider.

Note that Claude on Vertex AI is only available in certain GCP regions, check the model card for your model to see which regions are supported.

Example .env file:


Then you can run aider with the --model command line switch, like this:

aider --model vertex_ai/claude-3-5-sonnet@20240620

Or you can use the yaml config to set the model to any of the models supported by Vertex AI.

Example .aider.conf.yml file:

model: vertex_ai/claude-3-5-sonnet@20240620