
Aider can notify you when it’s done working and is waiting for your input. This is especially useful for long-running operations or when you’re multitasking.


Enable notifications with the --notifications flag:

aider --notifications

When enabled, aider will notify you when the LLM has finished generating a response and is waiting for your input.

OS-Specific Notifications

Aider automatically detects your operating system and uses an appropriate notification method:

  • macOS: Uses terminal-notifier if available, falling back to AppleScript notifications
  • Linux: Uses notify-send or zenity if available
  • Windows: Uses PowerShell to display a message box

Custom Notification Commands

You can specify a custom notification command with --notifications-command:

aider --notifications-command "your-custom-command"

For example, on macOS you might use:

aider --notifications-command "say 'Aider is ready'"


You can add these settings to your configuration file:

# Enable notifications
notifications: true

# Optional custom notification command
notifications_command: "your-custom-command"

Or in your .env file: