Supported languages

Aider should work well with most popular coding languages. This is because top LLMs are fluent in most mainstream languages, and familiar with popular libraries, packages and frameworks.

Aider has specific support for linting many languages. By default, aider runs the built in linter any time a file is edited. If it finds syntax errors, aider will offer to fix them for you. This helps catch small code issues and quickly fix them.

Aider also does code analysis to help the LLM navigate larger code bases by producing a repository map. Aider can currently produce repository maps for many popular mainstream languages, listed below.

How to add support for another language

Aider should work quite well for other languages, even those without repo map or linter support. You should really try coding with aider before assuming it needs better support for your language.

That said, if aider already has support for linting your language, then it should be possible to add repo map support. To build a repo map, aider needs the tags.scm file from the given language’s tree-sitter grammar. If you can find and share that file in a GitHub issue, then it may be possible to add repo map support.

If aider doesn’t support linting, it will be complicated to add linting and repo map support. That is because aider relies on py-tree-sitter-languages to provide pre-packaged versions of tree-sitter parsers for many languages.

Aider needs to be easy for users to install in many environments, and it is probably too complex to add dependencies on additional individual tree-sitter parsers.

Language File extension Repo map Linter
bash .bash  
c .c
c_sharp .cs
commonlisp .cl  
cpp .cc
cpp .cpp
css .css  
dockerfile .dockerfile  
dot .dot  
elisp .el
elixir .ex
elm .elm
embedded_template .et  
erlang .erl  
go .go
gomod .gomod  
hack .hack  
haskell .hs  
hcl .hcl
hcl .tf
html .html  
java .java
javascript .js
javascript .mjs
jsdoc .jsdoc  
json .json  
julia .jl  
kotlin .kt
lua .lua  
make .mk  
objc .m  
ocaml .ml
perl .pl  
php .php
python .py
ql .ql
r .R  
r .r  
regex .regex  
rst .rst  
ruby .rb
rust .rs
scala .scala  
sql .sql  
sqlite .sqlite  
toml .toml  
tsq .tsq  
typescript .ts
typescript .tsx
yaml .yaml